Wednesday, October 24, 2012



     As a teacher you know how to create a question because you teach you cannot avoid the students asked a question to you all about your topic this some scenario of the class. You must be prepared of that. You have to do is create a post test, exam and quizzes. This is a procedure you determine the students what is the capacity of them and also what here weakness and strength what part you started to discuss. Being a teacher you know the background of the students. 
                    Types of questions
  1. Open Questions: these are framed to encourage an expansive response
  2. Closed Questions: these are framed to elicit yes/no answers
  3.  Probing Questions: this type of question helps to get under the surface of an
initial answer. Having got the interviewee talking, the interviewer can use
probing questions to bring out more detail. While the same questions are
asked of interviewees, the use of probing questions will vary according to the
interviewee’s response.
4.   Hypothetical Questions: these are questions that set up a possible situation or problem and ask the interviewee for a possible course of action
5.    Leading Questions: this type of question suggests the expected answer
6.  Heavily Prefaced Questions: this type of question gives so much
background and scene-setting that it is hard for the candidate to work out
what the question is
7.  Trick Questions and Stress Tactics


     The seminar group of a deliberative body lacking for the solution to the problem from the audience based on reading experience and minds of its participants. We must be gathering a data and identifying the problem analysing the data, formulating a conclusion or solution so that the listeners you get her attention what you have discussed. There some factors and method to improved your how you teach.
     Types of Seminar 
Seminars are conducted in various stages. Based on the size and organizational aspects the seminars can be classified in to four types. viz. 
1. Mini seminar 
2. Major seminar 
3. National seminar 
4. International seminar 

The drill lesson


     One of my classmate discuss all about the drill lesson. The drill lesson is intended for automatization of certain facts information, habit, attitudes, and skills to fix association for permanency to perfect a certain degree a particular skill. There have a characteristic of a good drill one of those are motivation. Focalization repetition and attention and application. This factor is to help teacher during her discussion. So that they determine what are they the important things is needed to apply. And also the principles in drill activity this method to carry out the learners. The example of that utilization of the principles of the learning, way of conducting the drill standard. You can applied this story telling, Oral reading, Dramatization construction and illustration, singing, creative work or composition and test this are important factors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Instructional Planning

     Planning deals with selecting objectives and action to achieve by any individuals person. By using the instructional planning during you discuss or teach the students. The help of this you have knowledge to handle better during your discussion. The students must be learn more the by using the instructional planning that could be manageable procedure. Because you emphasize and collaborate the lesson better. And also the basis what have to do during teaching the instructional is the arranging of your topic and schedule of time. 

Lesson Plan

     A very import rant tool of a teacher like a blueprint of a teacher.  According to “Nelson Bossing” a statement of achievements to be realized and the specific means by which these are to be attend as a result of the activities engaged in day by day under guidance of the teacher. There have preparations how to make a good lesson plans the tools of these materials are objectives, subject matter, procedure, assignment and values this matter is used to better lesson plan there have a components of the lesson plan specific objectives of the lesson plan. Appropriate motivation to capture development or outline of a lesson.     

Unit Plan

This is method more on procedure how to create a unit lesson according to his step make a better unit plan also is a guide of a teacher this factor related to the lesson plan. Because of unit you determine what the topic is needed to discuss. This particular method is more values and knowledge of the learning’s.  The skills and objectives also a big help of a teacher.  The criteria for content development the validity, significance, balance, self-sufficiency interest of the learners.  

The Laboratory Method

     Set of the first hand learning activity such as investigate and get the willingness of the students during your classes’ time.  You make a activity that encourage your students to listen to you. You better do activities and experiment. The purpose of this too involved the students you know the ability and ideas of your students what they have learn about your topic. More on hands on activity they familiarize. The function of system especially the computer system.        

Unit Plan


     This is method more on procedure how to create a unit lesson according to his step make a better unit plan also is a guide of a teacher this factor related to the lesson plan. Because of unit you determine what the topic is needed to discuss. This particular method is more values and knowledge of the learning’s.  The skills and objectives also a big help of a teacher.  The criteria for content development the validity, significance, balance, self-sufficiency interest of the learners.    

Instructional Planning



     Planning deals with selecting objectives and action to achieve by any individuals person. By using the instructional planning during you discuss or teach the students. The help of this you have knowledge to handle better during your discussion. The students must be learn more the by using the instructional planning that could be manageable procedure. Because you emphasize and collaborate the lesson better. And also the basis what have to do during teaching the instructional is the arranging of your topic and schedule of time.   

Learning Module as Instructional Materials

      One of the most widely accepted instructional materials is the learning module. It is an innovation popular among both developed and developing countries as of now. There have criteria of a good instructional module one of those are. It should be self-pacing. It topic or subject matter should be short enough and well defined and It should provide opportunities for interaction with learner. And then the components of a learning this are; title, target population, overview, objectives. Instructional to the learners, Entry behavior and prerequisite skills activities, post-test, post-test feedback and evaluation and teacher this is manual or guide during his class work.

Method of teaching

     Comprise the principles and method used for instruction, commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation memorization or combination of these. The foundation of contemporary teaching method may be said to embrace areas. The utilization of the inductive methods include five steps such as preparation, presentation, comparison, generalization and application this are method it include the inductive method and deductive method we call procedural system of teaching.

Demonstration Method

     The teacher is using the materials that can describe what parts of the things they discuss are. Especially the computer system because of this the students ne/she knows the abilities function of any parts if the computer system. By using the demonstration method and also this is big help to the teacher. The students learn faster particularly in actual activities. 
     They knows and familiars this kind of tactics that could be interesting of the students. The demonstration method this is very applicable among of the laboratory exercises. Demo is the basic step that causing to fulfill the knowledge of learners what they do. This strategy is more actual procedure.     

Monday, October 15, 2012

The function of teachings

 We knows the function of teachings this is more on initiating, explaining, motivating, providing, clarifying, selecting and preparing, enriching, participating and establishing. There are types of learning, social learning and observational learning. This process is various learning mechanisms that are essential in observational learning. There some of example of learning’s method attention and retention ability to reproduce the behavior. One must be capable of doing the act motivation one is likely to imitate and reinforcement the association of stimulus particularly the anticipation of rewards.